Two of the most iconic animated families in television history, the Jetsons and the Flintstones, are teaming up on a collection of footwear and apparel from Warner Bros. and Reebok.
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The collection is inspired by Hana-Barbera’s 1987 made-for-television film that brought each family to the others world. Each piece of footwear is based on a character or location from the film and the apparel contains hints to Bedrock and Orbit City.
Reebok The Jetsons Flintstones Release Date
Look for the Reebok x The Jetsons & Flintstones styles to release on April 8th at select retailers and The retail price tag is set at $100 – $200 USD.
Reebok x The Jetsons & Flintstones Collection
Release Date: April 8, 2022
Release Date: April 8, 2022