Celebrating the latest installment in the Predator film franchise, Reebok has partnered with 20th Century Fox and Extra Butter on a special edition DMX Run 10 for the occasion.
This Reebok DMX Run 10 comes equipped with a shimmering lenticular camouflage material that mimics the Predator’s invisibility cloak as it rampages through the jungle.
Reebok’s classic Vector logo peers out from the top of the tongues like alien eyes piercing the night, while the Yellow mesh gusset is an abstract nod to the Predator’s non-combat attire. The inner tongues feature ‘over here’ and ‘turn around’ printed in the creature’s native language. Inscribed with military coordinates in handwritten Red ink, the transparent midsole overlays are another crisp nod to covert operations.
Eerie iridescent soles conceal more than just Reebok’s patented DMX tech. Black out the lights to witness glow-in-the-dark graphics inspired by the film’s finale when water short-circuits the Predator’s operating system. A ghoulish ‘spine trophy’ souvenir hangs from the laces as a tribute to the original Predator film from 1987 starring Arnold Schwarzenegger.
The custom packaging is also rich in designer detailing. Heatmap overlays imitate the Predator’s thermal-imaging vision, while the box itself is booby-trapped with hidden messages that will appeal to sci-fi boffins and diehard fans alike.
Extra Butter x 20th Century Fox x Reebok DMX Run 10 Predator Release Date
Look for the 20th Century Fox x Reebok DMX Run 10 “Predator” to release on September 14th at select retailers, shop.extrabutterny.com, and Reebok.com. The retail price tag is set at $200 USD.
Release Date: September 14, 2018
Price: $200